I’ve often run across skin profiles on my favorite natural beauty blogs (see my updated Blog Roll in the above tab bar!) and I find it very informative as a reference to go back to…
Ordered from Spirit Beauty Lounge. If SBL was a physical store, I think I would just live there for the rest of my life. Seriously love browsing through SBL’s amazing products. On Valentine’s Day,…
Acure haircare at home with my teas. And how do you like that brush holder? I was running my fingers through my hair after the first lather and rinse, and I just melted because oh my…
East Coast winter is a bit of a shock for a California girl, and that combined with extreme dorm heating and hot shower temptations has made my hands a bit unhappy. While I keep…
Aaaaand we’ve got RMS Beauty up to bat with Dr. Alkaitis, DeVita, and Vapour on the bases and the pitcher is swinging and swinging and wow look at that fast ball and paPOW! RMS hits…