PR Philosophy:
I think the best kind of reviews are the ones with products that I am super jazzed about. Most of all, I dislike writing about a product because I feel pressured by a brand. You will notice that my posting volume is few and not very often–partially because I have a job outside of blogging–but also because when I am taking time out to write or film instead of studying or coding, it better be because I have strong feeling or cause to do so.
I am so fortunate and grateful to stores and brands that share their crafts of love with me, and I am seriously so grateful for all of you who take the time to spell Nephriticus right (I know it’s hard to say in person and there are a bunch of ‘i’s in it that make it confusing).
However, I cannot guarantee reviews of products. I don’t even always post about products that I seriously love. I also tend to use products all the way up and even have to use a second bottle before I feel that I have something meaningful to say about a product. But if I come across a product that really strikes me, that changes my life (i.e. my skin), that I really think everyone else should know about, I’ll shout it out to anyone who can hear.
Please leave a comment, DM me on Instagram at @nephriticus, or email me at [at] . If you have a PR inquiry, please also include a list of ingredients. Most of the time, I say, “Thank you, but no thanks” because of phenoxyethanol and PEG’s or something.